Sunday, April 13, 2008


We had a delightful time at my cousin, Audrey's, birthday party today. David enjoyed meeting some of his second cousins. Audrey (the birthday girl);

Reilly (the chaser of bright orange balloons);

Tommy (the silly face maker) ...

(and monkey chair climber--or Mork for those who grew up in the 80s);

Julia (who is ready for her cupcake ... NOW!);

and Phillip (the mature grown-up who doesn't feel the need to ham it up for the camera, so I only got this tiny shot of him [lower-left]).

All of this celebrating wore David out, and a couple hours in he thought it was high time for a nap.

And Miles, the Pug, followed suit.


mother juggler said...

Oh my God...too funny. I laughed out loud. His snore is SO loud!! That was a good time. It was really great seeing you guys!

Paul Stagg said...

It was great to see you and finally meet David. He was as polite and reserved as expected.

He's clearly going to be the smartest and best looking of all the children. (These aren't public comments, are they? Elizabeth will have a fit if she knows I said that.)